Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

Pildacil Tentang Sedekah

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Alhamdulillah alhamdulilahi rabbi ‘alamin wassalatu wassalamu’ala asrofil ambiyai wamursalin wa “ala aalihi wa ashabihi aj ma in amma ba’du. .
Kepada Bpk/ Ibu guru dan teman-teman semua marilah kita panjatkan puja dan puji syukur kehadirat allah swt yang telah melimpahkan rahmat, taufiq dan hidayahnya kepada kita semua sehingga pada kesempatan ini kita dapat berkumpul disini dalam acara Pesantren Kilat SMPN 2 Gemolong.
Dan marilah kita slalu meningkatkan ketakwaan dan keimanan kita kepada Allah swt. Dan dengan meneladani uswah kita Nabi Muhammad saw.
Teman-teman, perkenalkan nama saya Nur Baiti Salma dan biasa dipanggil Salma. Saya salah satu perwakilan dari kelas 8H. Dan dalam kesempatan yang baik ini saya akan menyampaikan khitobah tentang “Sedekah Itu Ajaib”.
Sedekah itu selain mulia dan penting juga ajaib. Saking pentingnya, mulia dan ajaibnya, maka terhadap sahabat termiskin sekalipun, seperti Abu Dzar Al Ghifari, Rasulullah SAW tetap menganjurkannya. Karena gencarnya Baginda SAW membujuk Abu Dzar untuk istiqamah bersedekah, ia menjadi “penasaran” dan

Speech about BE SMARTER GENERATION BY READING BOOKS ( Pidato Bhs. Inggris)

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

The honorable the committees, the honorable the judges of this morning speech competition, the happy contestants, ladies and gentlemen.

Firstly, Let’s pray to the Almaigty God for his blessing given to us today, so that today we can stay here in healty condition to join this speech competition.

Secondly, allow me in this happy occasion to introduce my self. My name is Nur Baiti Salma. My friends call me Salma. I’m a student of Junior High School 2 Gemolong Sragen. And today I would like to talk about “ BE SMARTER GENERATION BY READING BOOKS”.

Ladies and gentlemen, many people say that “Book is the window of the world”. Some people also say “Book is the pillar of our life”. Do you think so? You may say Yes or No. But when we talk about books, we know that books have a close realitionship with reading.

Well, let’s see the condition around us. Some of us say that reading is a boring activity. Reading take so much time and energy. Even doing reading is tiring. On the other hand some disagree about it.

Pidato Bahasa Inggris ( Speech ) tentang Social Media

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
The honorable my teacher and happy audiences
Firstly, let’s pray to the Almigthy God for his blessing given to us today. So that, today we can stay here in healthy condition to join the English lesson.
Secondly, I am very happy to be here together to be with you all on this beautifull morning. Now, in here I would like to talk about “ Social Media “.
Ladies and gentlemen
You know that, everyone, everytime, and everywhere talks about social media. But, what is social media? How do you define social media? What the effects of social media in our life?
The social media of very important in our life. Because now the most of all our daily activity use social media. So, studying social media in our life very important for us.
Social media is media made of websites like facebook, twitter, myspace and still many others. Social media refers to interaction among people in which they create, share and exchange information and ideas in social networking.
Ladies and gentlemen