Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

Pidato Bahasa Inggris ( Speech ) tentang Social Media

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
The honorable my teacher and happy audiences
Firstly, let’s pray to the Almigthy God for his blessing given to us today. So that, today we can stay here in healthy condition to join the English lesson.
Secondly, I am very happy to be here together to be with you all on this beautifull morning. Now, in here I would like to talk about “ Social Media “.
Ladies and gentlemen
You know that, everyone, everytime, and everywhere talks about social media. But, what is social media? How do you define social media? What the effects of social media in our life?
The social media of very important in our life. Because now the most of all our daily activity use social media. So, studying social media in our life very important for us.
Social media is media made of websites like facebook, twitter, myspace and still many others. Social media refers to interaction among people in which they create, share and exchange information and ideas in social networking.
Ladies and gentlemen

Social media have many benefits in our life. Benefits of social media :
1.     Promotion media for the product or service.
2.     Media to expand friendship.
3.     As communications media. We earn to communicatewith domestic people and the foreigners.
4.     Media share. We earn to share photo, data and information to many people easly and quickly.
5.     Media to look for information.
Happy audiences
But of course, if social media have many benefits so social media have bad effects too. The bad effects of social media such as :
1.     The student usually be lazier because they are already addicted by social networking.
2.     The danger of evil. Example : abduction.
3.     The dangers of fraud.
4.     Not all social networking users were nice and polite, so dangerous if the sentence bad imitated by children.
5.     Discrupt communication in our real life. We will seldom communicate with family and friends, because we more passing the time with social media.
Ladies and gentlemen
We can take conclusion that, if us use something whatever that use it positively and as good as possible.  Like social media too. So, we can to exploit that for the succesfulness in your life.
Oke, that’s all for me. Forgive me any mistake.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

4 komentar:

  1. Nice speech. By the way just want to share with others aja nih hehehe. Belakangan ini saya baru pakai sosmed buatan anak bangsa. Namanya SEBANGSA. Disitu ada fitur-fitur keren,dan ga kalah menarik sama fb atau path dll hahaha. Ada fitur favorit saya yang namanya 911 Jaga-jaga, disitu ada fitur dimana kita bisa dimonitor sama temen SEBANGSA kita. Via tracking GPS, temen kita bisa tau posisi kita secara langsung. Lumayan kan bisa ada yg ngawasin wkwk. Di cek aja gan di --> http://sebangsa.com

  2. Membantu. Reverensi persiapan lomba speech..
